Monday, November 27, 2017

While Loving You.......

To every breath, that I took,
 While loving you,
I swore to live, as your's,
To be your's, forever....

To every breath, that I took,
  While loving you,
I promised; your happiness,
a part of which was tied to mine,
which still is......

To every flutter, of my eyelids,
  While loving you,
I have retold our story, our dreams,
our past, our reality......

To every night, that I have slept ,
  While loving you,
I have whispered a lullaby,
As I kissed you, to have a sound sleep,
From miles apart, and yet not a breath apart.....

To every single touch of your's,
On my mind and heart,
you have whispered your secret,
The secret, I overheard,

While loving you.......