Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The idle flock of clouds unfolding softy in the breeze,
The crumbling pebbles beneath, crowding with tiny beats,
The painted, flaking colors on concrete start to cease,
As nature unveils its colorful fleets,

The more heavier mountains and rocks start passing by ,
 more wilder the landscape pecks,
The more shafts of air go running past you ,
 more burning and feisty are the sunsets,

The fewer men u meet across the roads,
The deeper the pathways begin to unfold,
The heart starts speaking louder wearing feathery coats,
The grazing mind lowers his pretence in the hearts court,

So far you travel, so far u unravel the secrets within,
As deep as you feel your presence amongst nature, it’s beauty looks more stunning.

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