Thursday, May 3, 2012

Paulo Coelho: My story teller

After having turned a few hundred pages, and a few thousand paragraphs of the stories by Paulo Coelho, repetitively, I found a new outlook of my own life within those stories from far off lands. A different aspect, of the whole game of thoughts that the mind wins and looses,  lies hidden amongst those words.
My aim behind reading those books, was merely to find an answer for the questions I faced, earlier, and those which still continue to borrow my sleep some nights. Having the habit of over thinking an action ten times before doing it, and later a hundred times rethinking , after actually having accomplished new levels of embarrassment and awkwardness. I turned to a few books by Paulo caulho, these were not mere lessons from the wise , spiritual sages, who speak of finding peace by trusting in one god, but not the other. These were stories, which took me with them to distances which my mind and heart had never crossed before, to such heights from where I could look upon my life, like a  lamp lit view of city from up the hill. These are lessons, given through each character, each story, every change of scene and every turn of events.
 It does not give you a mere diversification of the right and wrongs of life, to cross check against your own assumptions of deeds and sins. It rather takes you a place from where problems and their solution live back to back facing side along streets. Somehow, going through the stories again and again, a map was created within my mind, amongst all that it had contained within so far, bridging the subconscious and the conscious sides altogether. The map linked my past and present destinations in life, showed unknown alternate routes to the same destination, which I had foreseen in a rush to be the first one to reach, where no one else could.
 It showed some dead ends, which had been avoided, just because I had someone, who had already faced the peril, sitting right beside me to lead . Although all this while I never realized how important that person was, for where ever I had reached today. An entire scenario of my whole life drew itself in front of me, of what went wrong, although all the turns seemed correct.
Which stops should have been stayed longer, which routes should have been altered, which turn should have been followed a little longer, before the very next .
With every story that I read, the map kept on growing more and more intricate, and precise. Some roads which I had forgotten long back , registered back in their respectful places, some turns which had lead me into the most horrible traffic ,  stood as reminders of how what lies across the next turn should never be presumed.
The surprising thing was that, the more intricate and detailed this map got, the more complications were resolved, and the more accurate pathways could be traced.
I found a lot of answers all this while, with which I could grab my sleep back, and by the time you are reading this, maybe I was bestowed with few more. Questions and answers both. But there is one answer that we ought to remember for a life time. Sometimes, all the turns we follow are right, it’s just that the route we’re following is wrong, although it may seem right for all those passing by in a crowd. All we have to do is search the one that is right, for us.

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