Monday, December 26, 2011

Over the Sand

Your name I worte over a wet bed of sparkling sand,
With the soft tender stem of red rose, whose thorn drew a line of blood down my hand,

The sunlit lines of your name within the crystals brown,
Sparkled within my drenched eyes too,in the clenched drops of the sand it made me drown,

The gushing sounds of the high tide spread a fine silk over my mind,
And I dreamt of our times together, the only hope my heart could ever bind,

The sun smiled over a tear of mine, which sparkled and galloped within your name of sand,
And I lost one more tear , which cried out your name but was deafned by the numb land,

A soft breeze also drenched with the oceans tears flew past me,
It touched me the way you did, through my skin and past my soul , where i could never see,

When the sun was ready to set, it blew me a flowing row of waves,
Which took u along with them, to someone else, to be that one my heart craves,

My tear seeped within the sands, shall be a closed pearl in a shell,
Somewhere in the depths of my life's ocean,
glowing with the sun's smile forever, across the time's tale.

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